Why do Internet ministry?
- 1.2 billion people in the world have Internet access1, millions of whom don't know Jesus ...
- ... but in the list of the top 200 websites, ZERO are Christian sites!2
- Meanwhile, every second 28,258 Internet users are viewing pornography3, and visits to adult websites outnumber visits to religious sites by a ratio of 60:1 (TIME Magazine).
What if ...
What we were able to redeem the Internet, and use this pervasive cultural communication tool to help give every man, woman and child a chance to know Jesus?
Please explore this site to learn about how TruthMedia reaches over half a million people each month, and how you can help my work in this ministry. Before I tell you more about the ministry I'd like to tell you about who I am (a former atheist) and why I'm with this ministry ... Next page! »»